SYMM - Symmetric matrix-matrix multiply

pyclblas.clblasCsymm(order, side, uplo, M, N, alpha, A, offa, lda, B, offb, ldb, beta, C, offc, ldc, commandQueues, eventWaitList)

wraps: clblasCsymm

Matrix-matrix product of symmetric rectangular matrices with float-complex elements. Matrix-matrix products:

  • ( C ← α A B + β C )
  • ( C ← α B A + β C )
  • order (clblasOrder [in]) – Row/column order.
  • side (clblasSide [in]) – The side of triangular matrix.
  • uplo (clblasUplo [in]) – The triangle in matrix being referenced.
  • M (int [in]) – Number of rows in matrices B and C.
  • N (int [in]) – Number of columns in matrices B and C.
  • alpha (complex [in]) – The factor of matrix A.
  • A (pyopencl.Buffer [in]) – Buffer object storing matrix A.
  • offa (int [in]) – Offset of the first element of the matrix A in the buffer object. Counted in elements.
  • lda (int [in]) – Leading dimension of matrix A. It cannot be less than M when the side parameter is set to clblasLeft, or less than N when the parameter is set to clblasRight.
  • B (pyopencl.Buffer [in]) – Buffer object storing matrix B.
  • offb (int [in]) – Offset of the first element of the matrix B in the buffer object. Counted in elements.
  • ldb (int [in]) – Leading dimension of matrix B. It cannot be less than N when the order parameter is set to clblasRowMajor, or less than M when it is set to clblasColumnMajor.
  • beta (complex [in]) – The factor of matrix C.
  • C (pyopencl.Buffer [out]) – Buffer object storing matrix C.
  • offc (int [in]) – Offset of the first element of the matrix C in the buffer object. Counted in elements.
  • ldc (int [in]) – Leading dimension of matrix C. It cannot be less than N when the order parameter is set to clblasRowMajor, or less than M when it is set to clblasColumnMajorOrder.
  • commandQueues (pyopencl.CommandQueue [in]) – OpenCL command queues. A list, tuple, or single instance of pyopencl.CommandQueue. Must not be None.
  • eventWaitList (pyopencl.Event [in]) – Event wait list. A list, tuple, or single instance of pyopencl.Event. May be None.

A tuple of pyopencl.Event instances, one for each commandQueue supplied.

pyclblas.clblasDsymm(order, side, uplo, M, N, alpha, A, offa, lda, B, offb, ldb, beta, C, offc, ldc, commandQueues, eventWaitList)

wraps: clblasDsymm

Matrix-matrix product of symmetric rectangular matrices with double elements. Matrix-matrix products:

  • ( C ← α A B + β C )
  • ( C ← α B A + β C )
  • order (clblasOrder [in]) – Row/column order.
  • side (clblasSide [in]) – The side of triangular matrix.
  • uplo (clblasUplo [in]) – The triangle in matrix being referenced.
  • M (int [in]) – Number of rows in matrices B and C.
  • N (int [in]) – Number of columns in matrices B and C.
  • alpha (float [in]) – The factor of matrix A.
  • A (pyopencl.Buffer [in]) – Buffer object storing matrix A.
  • offa (int [in]) – Offset of the first element of the matrix A in the buffer object. Counted in elements.
  • lda (int [in]) – Leading dimension of matrix A. It cannot be less than M when the side parameter is set to clblasLeft, or less than N when the parameter is set to clblasRight.
  • B (pyopencl.Buffer [in]) – Buffer object storing matrix B.
  • offb (int [in]) – Offset of the first element of the matrix B in the buffer object. Counted in elements.
  • ldb (int [in]) – Leading dimension of matrix B. It cannot be less than N when the order parameter is set to clblasRowMajor, or less than M when it is set to clblasColumnMajor.
  • beta (float [in]) – The factor of matrix C.
  • C (pyopencl.Buffer [out]) – Buffer object storing matrix C.
  • offc (int [in]) – Offset of the first element of the matrix C in the buffer object. Counted in elements.
  • ldc (int [in]) – Leading dimension of matrix C. It cannot be less than N when the order parameter is set to clblasRowMajor, or less than M when it is set to clblasColumnMajorOrder.
  • commandQueues (pyopencl.CommandQueue [in]) – OpenCL command queues. A list, tuple, or single instance of pyopencl.CommandQueue. Must not be None.
  • eventWaitList (pyopencl.Event [in]) – Event wait list. A list, tuple, or single instance of pyopencl.Event. May be None.

A tuple of pyopencl.Event instances, one for each commandQueue supplied.

pyclblas.clblasSsymm(order, side, uplo, M, N, alpha, A, offa, lda, B, offb, ldb, beta, C, offc, ldc, commandQueues, eventWaitList)

wraps: clblasSsymm

Matrix-matrix product of symmetric rectangular matrices with float elements. Matrix-matrix products:

  • ( C ← α A B + β C )
  • ( C ← α B A + β C )
  • order (clblasOrder [in]) – Row/column order.
  • side (clblasSide [in]) – The side of triangular matrix.
  • uplo (clblasUplo [in]) – The triangle in matrix being referenced.
  • M (int [in]) – Number of rows in matrices B and C.
  • N (int [in]) – Number of columns in matrices B and C.
  • alpha (float [in]) – The factor of matrix A.
  • A (pyopencl.Buffer [in]) – Buffer object storing matrix A.
  • offa (int [in]) – Offset of the first element of the matrix A in the buffer object. Counted in elements.
  • lda (int [in]) – Leading dimension of matrix A. It cannot be less than M when the side parameter is set to clblasLeft, or less than N when the parameter is set to clblasRight.
  • B (pyopencl.Buffer [in]) – Buffer object storing matrix B.
  • offb (int [in]) – Offset of the first element of the matrix B in the buffer object. Counted in elements.
  • ldb (int [in]) – Leading dimension of matrix B. It cannot be less than N when the order parameter is set to clblasRowMajor, or less than M when it is set to clblasColumnMajor.
  • beta (float [in]) – The factor of matrix C.
  • C (pyopencl.Buffer [out]) – Buffer object storing matrix C.
  • offc (int [in]) – Offset of the first element of the matrix C in the buffer object. Counted in elements.
  • ldc (int [in]) – Leading dimension of matrix C. It cannot be less than N when the order parameter is set to clblasRowMajor, or less than M when it is set to clblasColumnMajorOrder.
  • commandQueues (pyopencl.CommandQueue [in]) – OpenCL command queues. A list, tuple, or single instance of pyopencl.CommandQueue. Must not be None.
  • eventWaitList (pyopencl.Event [in]) – Event wait list. A list, tuple, or single instance of pyopencl.Event. May be None.

A tuple of pyopencl.Event instances, one for each commandQueue supplied.

pyclblas.clblasZsymm(order, side, uplo, M, N, alpha, A, offa, lda, B, offb, ldb, beta, C, offc, ldc, commandQueues, eventWaitList)

wraps: clblasZsymm

Matrix-matrix product of symmetric rectangular matrices with double-complex elements. Matrix-matrix products:

  • ( C ← α A B + β C )
  • ( C ← α B A + β C )
  • order (clblasOrder [in]) – Row/column order.
  • side (clblasSide [in]) – The side of triangular matrix.
  • uplo (clblasUplo [in]) – The triangle in matrix being referenced.
  • M (int [in]) – Number of rows in matrices B and C.
  • N (int [in]) – Number of columns in matrices B and C.
  • alpha (complex [in]) – The factor of matrix A.
  • A (pyopencl.Buffer [in]) – Buffer object storing matrix A.
  • offa (int [in]) – Offset of the first element of the matrix A in the buffer object. Counted in elements.
  • lda (int [in]) – Leading dimension of matrix A. It cannot be less than M when the side parameter is set to clblasLeft, or less than N when the parameter is set to clblasRight.
  • B (pyopencl.Buffer [in]) – Buffer object storing matrix B.
  • offb (int [in]) – Offset of the first element of the matrix B in the buffer object. Counted in elements.
  • ldb (int [in]) – Leading dimension of matrix B. It cannot be less than N when the order parameter is set to clblasRowMajor, or less than M when it is set to clblasColumnMajor.
  • beta (complex [in]) – The factor of matrix C.
  • C (pyopencl.Buffer [out]) – Buffer object storing matrix C.
  • offc (int [in]) – Offset of the first element of the matrix C in the buffer object. Counted in elements.
  • ldc (int [in]) – Leading dimension of matrix C. It cannot be less than N when the order parameter is set to clblasRowMajor, or less than M when it is set to clblasColumnMajorOrder.
  • commandQueues (pyopencl.CommandQueue [in]) – OpenCL command queues. A list, tuple, or single instance of pyopencl.CommandQueue. Must not be None.
  • eventWaitList (pyopencl.Event [in]) – Event wait list. A list, tuple, or single instance of pyopencl.Event. May be None.

A tuple of pyopencl.Event instances, one for each commandQueue supplied.